CoTracker3: Simpler and Better Point Tracking by Pseudo-Labelling Real Videos

1Meta AI 2Visual Geometry Group, University of Oxford


Most state-of-the-art point trackers are trained on synthetic data due to the difficulty of annotating real videos for this task. However, this can result in suboptimal performance due to the statistical gap between synthetic and real videos. In order to understand these issues better, we introduce CoTracker, comprising a new tracking model and a new semi-supervised training recipe.

This allows real videos without annotations to be used during training by generating pseudo-labels using off-the-shelf teachers. The new model eliminates or simplifies components from previous trackers, resulting in a simpler and often smaller architecture. This training scheme is much simpler than prior work and achieves better results using 1,000 times less data.

We further study the scaling behaviour to understand the impact of using more real unsupervised data in point tracking. The model is available in online and offline variants and reliably tracks visible and occluded points. We demonstrate qualitatively impressive tracking results, where points can be tracked for a long time even when they are occluded or leave the field of view. Quantitatively, CoTracker outperforms all recent trackers on standard benchmarks, often by a substantial margin.

Tracking through occlusions

We track points sampled on the first frame. Only CoTracker and CoTracker3 can track through occlusions. However, CoTracker loses tracked points at the end while CoTracker3 is still tracking them.

Ours offline

Object-centric tracking on a regular grid

We track 10k points sampled on a regular grid starting from the initial video frame. Since the points are grid-sampled, tracks without significant transformations should maintain grid patterns in future frames. LocoTrack and CoTracker3 tracks are better aligned than BootsTAPIR tracks. Neither LocoTrack nor BootsTAPIR can track through occlusions. They also lose more background and object points than CoTracker3.

Ours offline

The effect of scaling

Scaling helps improve both online and offline models, while in these examples the online model benefits from scaling more than the offline one.

Ours online base
Ours online scaled
Ours offline base
Ours offline scaled

Failure cases

Featureless surfaces is a common mode of failure: the model cannot track points sampled in the sky or on the surface of water.


    author    = {Nikita Karaev and Iurii Makarov and Jianyuan Wang and Natalia Neverova and Andrea Vedaldi and Christian Rupprecht},
    title     = {{CoTracker3}: Simpler and Better Point Tracking by Pseudo-Labelling Real Videos},
    journal   = {arxiv},
    year      = {2024}